
Flat Drainage

A simple solution to a complex problem.

What is Glaucoma?

It is the irreversible damage suffered by the optic nerve as a result of a high pressure inside the eye. It is caused by a failure in the eye's natural drainage system, which, in order to function properly, must eliminate a fluid that is permanently produced inside it (aqueous humor). In some people this drain fails, resulting in an increase in pressure.

“Glaucoma: the silent thief of sight.”

100 Million worldwide, 4 Million only in the US. 10% Will go blind.

Target Group

26 Million POAG requiring surgical treatment.


US$ 1.6 Billion for glaucoma surgery devices.

The Problem

All existing surgical

alternatives are based

on tubes, this has problems

and limitations.

30% of the patients who receive an implant will experience failure after 2 years that could require a new implant. 50% will experience failure after 5 years.

Our implant is not a tube


How is it implanted?

How does it work?

With High Pressure
  • The aqueous humor lifts the tissue around the implant and flows to the scleral space and then creates a bleb in the Tenon's capsule. This lowers the pressure and brings it to a normal level.
  • The space that is created can grow bigger or smaller depending on how much fluid needs to be eliminated.
With Normal Pressure
  • Very little aqueous humor comes out and the eye is kept at the optimal pressure to function.
The implant allows the formation of a natural relief
valve that is activated by the pressure inside the
eye, achieving a self-regulated outflow.

IPM against common problems

of the surgical solutions

Advantages of the IPM
Flat chamber Excessive loss of pressure of the eye due to too much outflow caused by the implant or the surgery No flat chamber
  • Controlled drainage (self-regulated outflow)
Obstructions Components of the aqueous humor adhere to the implants, clogging the tubes and reducing their drainage capacity Less chance of obstructions
  • Outflow space varies in dimension according to pressure
Infections Tubular implants or permanent connection surgeries allow external germs to travel inside the eye Less possibility of infections
  • Self-regulated outflow, only outwards
Limited drainage capacity Tubular implants have a fixed outlet size, therefore a limited outflow within the eye´s normal pressure levels Works for wider range of pressures
  • Outflow space varies in dimension according to pressure
Bleending / scaring Bleeding caused during surgery can lead to scaring and this to obstruction of the implant Reduced risk of bleeding/scaringbr
  • Simple surgery and nonaggressive design (easy insertion/removal)
Surgery, training, equipment Most surgeries require special training, equipment and instruments that are not available everywhere Standard surgery
  • Can be performed by any ophthalmic surgeon with basic instruments. High possibility of adoption in the world

At a Glance

  • HQ in Lima, Peru.

  • Subsidiary in Delaware.

  • Since 2014.

  • 6 people.

  • 9 granted.

  • USA, China, Japan, Korea, Israel, Colombia, Chile, Peru, Mexico.

  • 5 in process.

  • Gold Medal with congratulations from the jury, International Exhibition of Inventions in Geneva, Switzerland.

  • 1st place Biotechnology & Medicine category, National Contest of Inventions of Peru.

  • Innovate Peru Fund for the "Validation of Innovation for micro companies”.

Our Team

Our Vision

Reduce the number of blind people in the world.

Our Mission

Making safe and efficient glaucoma

treatment affordable and available for everybody.


  • 2014-2017
    Research and development
    IPM prototypes
    Compassionate use in 13 patients
  • 2017
    Patent applications
    14 offices covering
    major countries
  • 2019
    Friends and Family
    Innovate Peru Fund
  • 2020
    Pre-Clinical Trials
    Testing and technical documentation on the implants
  • 2021
    Clinical trials
    24 subjects over
    1 year
  • 2023
    Of the patents to a strategic partner to commercialize the product

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